

TITAS 2020 Exhibitor introduction - OSHIMA
Our Made-in-Taiwan Cutting Room Solution have helped to boost the daily production capacity of personal protective equipment by a factor of six, attracting a flock of buyers from Europe and the US
To address the soaring demand for personal protective equipment amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we at OSHIMA have optimized our cutting room solution to cater specifically to the medical industry. We are proud to present our J3 Woven Fabric Spreading Machine. The J3 enables you to increase the daily production capacity of protective gowns sixfold. During TITAS 2020, ours and other Made in Taiwan (MIT) inventions, will stand ready to demonstrate how to best combat COVID-19.

The first of its kind in the world, our J3 Heavy fabric spreading machine is the Hercules of the OSHIMA family, Our Heavy-duty spreading hero.
This machine is designed with a ground-level fabric loading system that is ergonomic and user-friendly and increases spreading efficiency for high volume multi-layer productions, such as isolation gowns and medical masks. This design, the first of its kind in the world, helps safeguard the well-being of workers while also booting your productivity to new levels.
One machine, six times the production capacity: An idea inspired by our clients’ experiences.
Our clients, who have received skyrocketing orders for protective gears, were desperate as their workers could not return to work. Our researchers have optimized J3’s structure by modifying its fabric loading mechanism, enabling concurrent six-layer heavy roll production. Our clients can now see their production capacity surge despite a shortage of labour.
Made in Taiwan Cutting Room Solutions mean that up to 16,200 protective gowns can be produced every single day. Buyers from the US and Canada scramble to make purchase order.

Our M8S Automated Cutting Machine is equipped with an intelligent cutting system, ensuring precision for every cut. M8S is also equipped with an online data management platform which can enhance visualization.
While Taiwan manages to prepare early for COVID-19 pandemic, made-in-Taiwan technology has also drawn global attention. J3 and M85, whose qualities are well known, are cost-effective, and warranty is provided by OSHIMA. After the deployment of OSHIMA cutting room solution, the number of protective gowns that a factory operating 8 hours a day can produce would increase from 2,700 pieces to 16,200 pieces. This is the reason why a large number of overseas manufacturers are relying on OSHIMA for their anti-epidemic efforts.
For more information please scan below QR code or visit our website at www.oshima.com.tw