

TITAS 2019 Exhibitor introduction - COVEME

Coveme is the global leader in the manufacturing of transfer release films, headquartered in Italy with two production sites in Europe and Asia. Its 14 production lines are set up for converting processes of the Pet film such as lamination, surface treatment, heat stabilization, coating and slitting. Coveme’s Kemafoil® KTR Transfer Release films are designed for the production of transfer images with screen print, digital and casting systems for final applications in fashion, sports, merchandise, workwear, automotive, interior design and printed electronics. Coveme is well-known, both nationally and internationally, for is professional competence and the superior quality of its products that are approved by the major producers of garment, eco-leather, and other technical products. 

Kemafoil® KTR transfer release films are polyester based and highly performing in any process and environment. They are specifically designed for screen print , digital and casting systems. Coveme’s advanced coating technology and eco-friendly processes result in perfectly register keeping print substrates free of chrome and formaldehyde. Thanks to their special surface receptivity, transparency, humidity resistance, antistatic and antiblocking properties, Kemafoil® KTR films are easy to handle, print and transfer, and convey to the final image matt, gloss or 3D effects paired with a super soft touch in hot or cold peel off. Kemafoil KTR can be supplied in rolls or sheets with width up to 2250mm.